Aart De Geus steps down as chairman of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Executive Board
Aart De Geus, who became chairman of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Executive Board in 2012, leaves the foundation after eight years to take on new responsibilities in the philanthropic sector in the Netherlands, his native country.
Bertelsmann Stiftung building in Berlin
The Bertelsmann Stiftung opens its own building at Werderscher Markt in Berlin, giving it an ongoing presence in Germany’s capital. The newly constructed building is located in the city’s historic center close to the Federal Foreign Office.
MYSKILLS – Assessment tests for 30 occupations in six languages
The MYSKILLS competency assessment tests make occupational knowledge visible and thus increase opportunities for people who have had difficulty documenting their practical experience. Thirty such tests have been available since April 2019 in all government employment agencies and job centers in Germany. Thanks to MYSKILLS, individuals can document their job-related abilities – regardless of how they acquired their skills. The specialized knowledge they have at their disposal is matched to a standard occupation in Germany and their employability is evaluated using a recognized tool.
7th Forum Bellevue on the Future of Democracy
For the seventh time, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier invites speakers and guests to the Forum Bellevue on the Future of Democracy in Berlin. The topic is “The European Union: What Is at Stake?” Panel participants include Ivan Krastev (Bulgarian political scientist), Luuk van Midelaar (Dutch historian), Daniela Schwarzer (German political scientist) and Adam Tooze (British historian).

© Sebastian Pfütze
Panelists at the seventh Bellevue Forum: (left to right) Luuk van Midelaar, Ivan Krastev, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Daniela Schwarzer and Adam Tooze.
18th Trilogue Salzburg
Held on August 24, 2019, the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Trilogue Salzburg focuses on the question of how to re-establish a shared conception of reality, such as trust in facts and knowledge. At the event, 32 international participants from the political, economic and cultural spheres discuss pressing issues related to the topic “Fragmented Realities – Regaining a Common Understanding of Truth.”
2019 NEUE STIMMEN International Singing Competition
A total of 1,472 singers from 80 nations apply to compete in the 2019 NEUE STIMMEN International Singing Competition. After preliminary auditions, 42 singers are invited to participate in the final round in Gütersloh. Following the semifinals and finals, the winners of the 18th NEUE STIMMEN competition are announced: soprano Anna El-Khashem from Russia and tenor Long Long from China. Vladislav Buyalskiy from Ukraine wins the Brian Dickie Young Singers Award, presented for the first time.