Foto Kai Unzicker

Dr. Kai Unzicker: Senior Project Manager

Democracy and Social Cohesion

Active Projects

Short Vita

  • Dr. Kai Unzicker has dedicated over 20 years to studying the diverse challenges facing social cohesion. Currently, his focus lies on understanding the transformation of democratic discourse due to digitization and the proliferation of mis- and disinformation. He serves as the Co-Leader of the Upgrade Democracy project within the Democracy and Cohesion Program at the Bertelsmann Stiftung. A renowned expert in the area, Kai Unzicker provides commentary on current developments in the media, advises policymakers and administrations, and contributes new insights through empirical research studies. Dr. Kai Unzickers latest publications include “Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt in Deutschland 2023 (“Social Cohesion in Germany 2023” with K. Boehnke, G. Dragolov, R. Arant, available only in German), “Disconcerted Public (with C. Berger, L. Bernhard, L. Schulz), Conspiracy Mentalities in Times of Crisis (with G. Dragolov, K. Boehnke), and Anders wird gut (Different is Good, with V. Carl, available only in German).

External Publications

  • Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt unter Pandemiebedingungen: Schub für Solidarität, Treiber von Ungleichheit. In: Korte, Florack, Schwanholz (Hrsg) Coronakratie - Demokratisches Regieren in Ausnahmezeiten, Campus (2021)
  • Öffentliche Sozialforschung und Verantwortung für die Praxis (2012)
  • Social Cohesion in the Western World. What Holds Societies Together: Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar. SpringerBriefs in Well-Being and Quality of Life Research. 2016 (mit G. Dragolov, Z.S. Ignácz, J. Lorenz, J. Delhey und K. Boehnke) (2016)

YouTube Video(s)