Foto Malte Tim Zabel

Dr. Malte Tim Zabel: Co-Director

Program Europe's Future


  • European policy
  • Germany’s role in der EU​
  • European cohesion policy

Short Vita

  • Malte Zabel is a European policy expert and Co-Director of the Europe’s Future program, which focuses on Europe’s role in the world, European cohesion policy and how the EU’s citizens view various European policy issues. Before becoming a member the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Europe team, he addressed various governance and strategy issues as head of the foundation’s Executive Office and advisor to its Chairman of the Executive Board. Prior to joining the foundation in 2016, he was a research assistant for a member of the German Bundestag. He is a political scientist and holds a doctorate in European Studies from the University of Bonn.

External Publications

  • Germany's Coalition Agreement – Ambitions for a Sovereign Europe (2021)
  • Euroskeptizismus – Ursprünge und Ausdrucksformen (2017)