Center for Data Management

As a Center for Data Management, we pursue the goal of providing the public with high-quality data sets and using our data internally in a cross-project and competent manner. These data sets enable journalistic and scientific analyses that promote democratic discourse. They support evidence-based decisions at all political levels and are an important basis for the development of fair algorithms.

In addition, we as a center are working to raise awareness of the importance of open data for the common good and to break down barriers that prevent access to this data. This underlines the important role of well-prepared and diverse data for informed decision-making in different areas of society.

Contact person

Foto Carsten Große Starmann
Carsten Große Starmann
Vice President
Foto Daria Thiesbrummel
Daria Thiesbrummel
Specialist Coordination Data
Foto Petra Klug
Petra Klug
Senior Project Manager
Foto Mario Wiedemann
Mario Wiedemann
Senior Project Manager
Foto Hannah Amsbeck
Hannah Amsbeck
Project Manager
Foto Nina Hauser
Nina Hauser
Project Manager
Foto Leonard Mandtler
Leonard Mandtler
Senior Expert
Foto Nicholas Steinbrink
Dr. Nicholas Steinbrink
Senior Expert
Foto Petra Beckhoff
Petra Beckhoff
Project Assistant
Foto Silke Hansberg
Silke Hansberg
Senior Project Assistant

Data for Society

Demographic change, climate change, the energy crisis, the mobility transition – shaping a sustainable
and livable society requires having a robust data basis. To make informed decisions, we need sufficiently well-prepared data. Our project is committed to raising awareness of the importance of (open) data for the common good and overcoming the barriers that prevent people from accessing such data. We do this using three components: Through the Community Roadmap data portal, open data are made available for download in a series of visualizations. Through the Municipal Sample Data Catalogue, we increase awareness of the open data published by Germany’s communities while supporting the latter in providing access to their data, for example by developing guidelines and organizing events for exchanging ideas and know-how. Finally, we are currently working on an initiative to promote the use of open data by and for civil society. 

Data Science Lab

Robust data are indispensable for a digital transformation that serves the common good. Freely available, high-quality datasets are a key element in fair algorithms. They also make it possible for journalists and scientists to contribute to democratic discourse, and they facilitate evidence-based decisions on all policy levels. We are committed to expanding the data ecosystem and its focus on the common good by publishing (open) data ourselves and supporting public administrators and civil society in making more (open) data available. As an in-house service provider, the Data Science Lab (DSL) supports the foundation’s projects by deploying the tools that data science has to offer, such as data engineering and data analysis. In addition to preparing and evaluating data, the DSL promotes organizational learning, structures capacity-building and establishes internal and external networks and partnerships. As a result, the DSL not only works intensively with data, but also provides structural impulses on a regular basis for further developing the organization. The goal is to expand and shape data intelligence for the foundation.