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Asia Update

May 2021

Asia-related activities of Bertelsmann Stiftung and insights into important developments in the region.



A New Cold War?

Economy, technology, military, ideology: The conflict between China and the United States is a multidimensional conflict with considerable potential for escalation. Europe, too, will not be able to avoid positioning itself, and equidistance is not a realistic option, writes Peter Walkenhorst in the current special issue of the magazine "Internationale Politik" (IP). You can read the article (in German) here.



Decisively Disentangle

China's boom has long been a godsend for the German economy. But companies are also noticing how the wind is changing in Beijing. In the coming years, there will be tough political and economic battles over where the line between beneficial interdependence and dangerous dependence lies, write Bernhard Bartsch and Anika Laudien in the current special issue of the magazine “Internationale Politik” (IP). You find the article (in German) here.



Cold War 2.0? Essential Readings on the New Systemic Conflict 05/21

The EU is developing a new Indo-Pacific strategy and taking a tougher stance on China. The G7 foreign ministers agreed on a common stance toward an increasingly assertive China. Yet Berlin and Paris continue to give Washington the cold shoulder when it comes to the U.S. administration's efforts to build a unified front against China. While some of its most important allies still hesitate, Washington continues to implement its strategy of "extreme competition" with China. China continues to adhere to its ambitions to reshape the international order according to its own ideas but is experiencing that its "soft power" is being perceived with increasing skepticism, especially in Europe. Notwithstanding this, economic and technological competition continues to accelerate. Read the complete literature review here.



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Dr. Peter Walkenhorst

Senior Project Manager


Bertelsmann Stiftung

Carl-Bertelsmann-Str. 256

33311 Gütersloh


Tel: +49 5241 81-81172




The Bertelsmann Stiftung, based in Gütersloh, Germany, is a nonprofit, private

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