Analysis and research on governance, political regimes and economic policies from the BTI Transformation Index


Changing Plans? Saudi Regionalism After Gaza

Israel’s war in Gaza has left Saudi Arabia hedging its bets on the international stage and has stalled its tentative rapprochement with Iran. How is the ongoing conflict set to shape the nation’s regional ambitions? read more

Zu sehen ist Sergio Massa, ein Präsidentschaftskandidat in Argentinien bei einer Wahlkampveranstaltung, wie er den Menschen zuwinkt.

Argentina’s Presidential Election: Massa, Milei and the Coming Runoff

Argentina is set to hold the second round of its presidential election on November 19. Even if the results should be less contradictory this time, the political outlook stays grim. read more

Karol Szejner / Wikimedia Commons - CC BY-SA 4.0,

Poland Before the Election: How Do You Reverse Illiberalism?

The October 15 election could lead to a historic experiment: If the opposition wins, it will launch an unprecedented attempt to overcome illiberalism. read more


Happy holidays and a look ahead


Looking back at this year, we wish you, our partners and readers, wonderful holidays and a happy and successful new year. In addition to all the challenges that 2023 posed for all of us, it also let us break new ground.

We are on the finish line for publishing the new BTI 2024 data and look forward to presenting the findings from around the world that our joint work will bring to light early next year.

In team-related news, Yannik John will be leaving us. We wish him all the best for the future and regret to lose him as a highly valued colleague.

Last but not least, we would like to thank you for your interest in our work and look forward to continuing our exchanges in 2024.

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