A well-governed neighbourhood that provides both security and economic prospects for the people who live there is in the EU's fundamental interest. Only democracies lead to real stability, both internally and externally. Since 2003, the EU has supported transformation processes towards democracy and a social market economy through its Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Nevertheless, poor governance, disregard for human rights and civil liberties, corruption and state arbitrariness are widespread. Transformation deficits lead to economic stagnation and aggravate social tensions, which repeatedly unload violently and thus hamper further progress. In addition, countries such as Russia, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia are undermining the EU's reform efforts or igniting new conflicts through military intervention.
Our project develops reform proposals and policy recommendations for new policy approaches in neighbourhood transformation and crisis and conflict management. We are in regular dialogue with political decision-makers, experts and actors from business and civil society. Our policy papers, country studies, reports and events reflect this cooperation.
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