Asia-related activities of Bertelsmann Stiftung and insights into important developments in the region.


Globalization Scenarios - Challenges and responses from the perspective of German business

The global economy is experiencing a period of rapid upheaval. Technological advances and growing rivalries between the world’s economic superpowers are intensifying geostrategic competition. The United States, China, Europe and other ambitious players must align their economies to reflect the emerging realities. Our new study, based on some 30 discussions involving over 70 participants from business organizations, trade associations and political institutions, shows: German companies clearly want a European Union that can close ranks and take effective action, as well as a strong Europe capable of asserting itself and European business interests on the world stage. Download and read the study (in German and English) here.


Partner, Competitor, Rival – China policy at a crossroads

Relations with China are at a crossroads. Dealing with Beijing will be a significant challenge for the next German government, which will have to rebalance economic and political interests. Against this backdrop, this bog post by Cora Jungbluth and Peter Walkenhorst focuses on the need for a unified and consistent EU approach towards China. Read more here.