October 2022

Dear Readers,

Our second October edition of GED Monthly kicks off with the Future of European Cohesion. Our new research paints a daunting picture of the future of EU regions under the strain of the green and digital "twin" transition, as the rich parts of Europe look set to pull ahead leaving the poorer regions beside.

Additional articles cover the Italian elections following the victory of Giorgia Meloni’s right wing Fratelli d’Italia, as well as more analysis of the future of Taiwan against the background of Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

And, if you’ve ever wondered why Switzerland appears immune to the global phenomenon of galloping inflation, our economists present six reasons that could hold the answer.

With warm wishes,

Stephan Vopel and Malte Zabel

Director and Co-Director
Europe’s Future Program

Businessman hand with plant and spout in network connection

Twin Transition to Widen the Gap between EU Regions

Europe is undergoing a digital and green transition that is drastically changing the way its economy works. How well prepared are regions to capitalise on the twin transition? And what impact will it have on regional cohesion in Europe? Our new study finds that greening and digitalising the economy will likely widen the gap between rich and poor regions in Europe. To counteract this development, more tailor-made cohesion policies are required. Read more


Italian Elections: Giorgia Meloni’s Victory and its Implications for Europe

Following the election victory of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni looks set to become the country’s first female prime minister, leading a right-wing nationalist government. What does that mean for Europe? Our interview with Daniele Albertazzi, an expert on right-wing populism and Italian politics, ranges from Meloni’s election winning strategy to how she is likely to handle Italy’s relations with the EU.
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The China-Taiwan Conflict after the War against Ukraine

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has exposed not only political but also economic weaknesses in Germany. And it has already raised early fears of a similar confrontation between China and Taiwan. So what can we learn from the war against Ukraine for a possible China-Taiwan conflict? Our contribution analyses the sweltering conflict from an economic perspective.
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The Reasons for Switzerland’s Low Inflation

Since last winter, inflation rates have rapidly risen in the world’s developed economies. Switzerland, however, is an exception. Its inflation rate is markedly below the rates in Germany, the EU, the United States, and other countries. In September, Swiss consumer price inflation unexpectedly slowed to 3.3%. We look at the reasons why inflation in the country remains low.
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The War in Ukraine and European Public Opinion

The shock brought on by the return of war in Europe and the destruction, suffering and flow of refugee associated with it, as well as the courage and determination demonstrated by countless Ukrainians, have left their marks on European public opinion. While solidarity with Ukraine remains high, citizens also express concern about their future prospects. Our new eupinions poll spells out the details of this development. Read more


Transatlantic Trends: Public Opinion in Times of Geopolitical Turmoil

Our Transatlantic Trends project surveys 14 countries within the transatlantic community to gauge public opinion on the global role of the US and NATO, how best to deal with China and resolve the conflict in Taiwan as well as on what the most pressing global challenges may be. The countries polled include Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.
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In the next edition


We will present more analysis on the future of EU regions in the twin transition, an assessment of the Communist Party Congress in China as well as a presentation of Bertelsmann’s 2022 Sustainable Governance Index (SGI).

To keep abreast of our work, please keep an eye on our blog: globaleurope.eu

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