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Newsletter of Sept 2, 2020

Our 2020 Globalization Survey confirms that the ecological and social dimensions of globalization need more attention.


7 Findings from our new 2020 Globalization Survey

The corona crisis has many people worried about the negative side-effects of economic interdependence. Our 2020 Globalization Survey shows that public attitudes toward international trade and investment had already turned more negative by the start of the pandemic.

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The price that consumers pay for products made with greenhouse gas emitting processes is too low

Agreement on international climate tariffs seems beyond reach at the moment but could be the answer

Against the background of global warming and climate change, a reduction in emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases is essential. A classic economic policy instrument for this is higher taxes on CO2 emissions. If, however, not all countries increase the price of CO2, the economies that have a carbon tax will lose their international competitiveness. A fiscal border adjustment or climate tariff can counteract this risk.

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Global North and Global South: Four suggestions to overcome disparite economic responses to COVID-19

Developing nations spend far less of their GDP  than developed countries to address the economic consequences of COVID-19 – that could have far-reaching consequences.

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Economic impact of coronavirus in Europe and the world: Are there signs of an upswing?

Things are improving – at least for the moment

Economic impact of coronavirus: When corona infections first appeared in Europe in February, an economic crisis loomed on the horizon. The full extent of the crisis, however, was not yet foreseeable. Half a year later, it is clear that the recession triggered by the corona crisis is much greater than the economic downturn caused by the Lehman bankruptcy. But as of now, it looks as if European economies have touched the bottom and rebounded.

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World-class patents in nutrition: Hopes for the world come from East Asia?

UN report says that the number of people in hunger could increase by 132 million due to the corona crisis. Innovation could be a helpful tool to tackle this huge and prevalent issue. Building upon our recent study with a focus on world-class patents, this blog post takes a closer look at the most important patents (world-class patents) in the technology field of nutrition between 2000 and 2019.

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Europe’s Economy: How Crisis Resilient is Europe Really?

The coronavirus crisis and its continuing effects on European economies has propelled the debate about crisis resistance and resilience firmly back onto the EU agenda. Disparities in the degree of resilience between EU regions already existed before the outbreak of COVID-19. Southern and Eastern Europe and rural regions, remote from metropolitan areas, already performed below average in terms of diversity, skills, innovation, and quality of government.

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Does Nature provide a Blueprint for More Resilient Economies?

Rethinking our World: In her new bestselling book, “Unsere Welt neu Denken (“Re-thinking our World”), Maja Göpel invites her readers to engage in a constructive dialogue on how to arrive at a more sustainable economic system.

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About Global Economic Dynamics (GED):

We help make complex economic dynamics transparent and understandable.

The project examines the causes and effects of economic trends, as well as the connections linking one trend to another.


Andreas Esche

Director, Program Megatrends


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