Interview With Professor Britta Wrede: How Robots Ensure Better Living for the Elderly

Is this the future? Is artificial intelligence the answer to assisted living of the elderly at home, so as to master autonomous living?

Is this the future? Is artificial intelligence the answer to assisted living of the elderly at home, so as to master autonomous living?

These are the kinds of questions the Wegweiser Kommune team from the Bertelsmann Stiftung had with them as they visited CITEC (Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology) in Bielefeld as part of their research for SmartCountry.

CITEC researchers are looking to find answers to exactly these questions. The “Cognitive Service Robotics Apartment as Ambient Host" (CSRA) project, for example, is currently researching the interdisciplinary (further) development of an intelligent apartment that is connected to a service robot. Both the robot and the apartment are there to assist inhabitants in their daily lives, allowing for autonomous living for the elderly.

The robot chosen was the Meka M1 Mobile Manipulator along with the Flobi head, which was developed at CITEC.

Note: This video is only available in German!

Smart Country