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RANGE (Rethinking Assumptions in a New Geostrategic Environment) is a crowdsourced forecasting platform focused on geopolitics and the transatlantic relationship. We can’t predict the future, but we can get better at forecasting what lies ahead. To that end, the Bertelsmann Foundation, Bertelsmann Stiftung and Cultivate Labs created the RANGE Transatlantic Forecasting Platform. This unique tool draws on the wisdom of the crowd to paint a more accurate picture of the challenges and opportunities on the horizon.

In this tutorial video, we show you how to get started on RANGE, how to make a probabilistic forecast, and provide some tips to help you become an accurate forecaster.


Those who want to inform themselves about health topics often feel lost in the jungle of information. According to surveys, many people do not have the necessary health literacy to distinguish fake news from trustworthy information. In this video, Dr. Kristine Sørensen, President of the International Health Literacy Association, explains why health literacy is important and how a national health platform can contribute to improving health literacy.

More information about our vision of a national health platform: