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How can social cohesion be strengthened? Young people from across Europe discussed this at the Young Europeans´ Forum (YEF19) in Berlin from 25 to 27 June 2019. Together with experts, politicians and activists, they discussed possible solutions and good practice. The YEF19 was organized by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and "Projet ALADIN" in cooperation with UNESCO. Watch impressions of the forum in this film.



Globalization, digitalization and demographic change are transforming societies around the globe. What does that mean for the future of social cohesion? Our conference “Trying Times – Rethinking Social Cohesion” enabled experts from different disciplines and countries to engage in an in-depth exchange using interactive formats. This video provides a brief look at the production conference.



Digital solutions increase the quality of life in communities big and small. The series #digitaleOrte (DigitalTowns) – part of the blog from our Smart Country project – presents several digital initiatives taking place in Germany's cities and towns. What advantages do these digital solutions offer? What impact are they having in the communities? How does the public feel about the initiatives? This video was made during a trip we took to four DigitalTowns.