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At the World Health Summit 2023 in Berlin, the Bertelsmann Stiftung discussed measures against misinformation and disinformation with representatives of the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Academy of Medicine, the tech industry and many others. Participants agreed to forge a strong alliance to lay the foundation for a global certification system against health-related misinformation and disinformation.


In the “Trusted Health Ecosystems” project, we are committed to shaping the digital healthcare system of tomorrow in a way that is both “social” and fair. With that in mind, we are creating a vision of a national healthcare platform that promotes participation in healthcare and creates digital “trust spaces". This video is part of the overall concept which is published at


In the “Trusted Health Ecosystems” project we are creating a concept and a product vision for a national health platform of the future. This video is part of the overall concept which is published at The core service of the platform provides personalized information pathways that adapt to changing information needs and have the capacity to facilitate the handling of health-related information. To illustrate our concept, we have developed a prototypical design that shows what this platform might look like one day.


In an era where information is abundant and digital platforms offer nearly unrestricted access to knowledge, many people struggle to navigate the deluge of information. Coupled with the phenomenon of rapidly spreading disinformation on the internet, a dangerous combination is emerging, one that will pose significant challenges to healthcare systems in the future. In this video Alexander Sängerlaub (director and co-founder of futur eins) talks about the "brave new communication world".