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Digital health is a key enabler for efficient and high-performing health systems. However, to harness this potential, national healthcare systems need a clear vision and an architected plan for how to achieve this vision and shape the digital transformation. It is essential that national governments establish the rules of engagement and the boundaries in which the technology sector, industry, and other private sector partners can interact. A national health platform could bring innovations together in an interconnected system while also setting the rules of the game, defining the vision, determining the architecture, and selecting standards. Interview with Dr. Alain Labrique (Director of the Department of Digital Health and Innovation at the World Health Organization)


The digital transformation in healthcare goes far beyond the electronic recording of prescriptions, certificates, or vaccination records. It is reshaping the rules and conditions of the entire system and introducing new players: Globally operating tech companies are entering the European healthcare market with new platforms. They will consolidate data streams and, over time, evolve into influential gatekeepers. In this video bestselling-author Sangeet Paul Choudary (“Platform Revolution”) explains how the platform economy can change the health system.


When establishing a national healthcare platform, it is crucial to identify a suitable legal structure that fulfills all the necessary requirements and effectively supports the ecosystem in which it operates. In terms of ownership, a number of different options are available, each involving a variety of advantages and disadvantages. In this video Prof. Dr. Laura Schulte (Hochschule Bielefeld) explains whether the platform should be operated by a public or a private-sector actor.


The terms "platform" and "digital ecosystem" are frequently used in various contexts, but their precise meanings can be unclear. What distinguishes a digital ecosystem and how does it relate to the concept of a platform? Dr. Matthias Naab (Co-Founder of Full Flamingo, formerly at Fraunhofer IESE) provides the answers.


Offering numerous benefits to everyone involved, the collaborative nature of digital ecosystems and platform economies has led to significant transformations in various domains of life. In this video Dr. Marcus Trapp (co-founder of Full Flamingo, formerly at Fraunhofer IESE) highlights the appealing aspects of digital ecosystems and their platforms. Moreover he explores ways to harness their innovative potential.


Our event on the vision of a national health platform in one minute. In September 2023, we presented our concept (see also to around 100 stakeholders from the healthcare system.