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BTI Transformation Insights

12 April 2019

Analysis and research on governance, political regimes and economic policies from the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI).


Constitutional Reform in Egypt

More Time for al-Sisi, More Power for the Military

Next week, the Egyptian constitution will be modified. The planned changes would allow President Abdelfattah al-Sisi to remain in office until 2034. In addition, the military is to be placed de facto above the constitution and the independence of the judiciary is to be curtailed. read more


Ukraine Elections

A Country Struggling to Reform Itself

Out of a record forty-two candidates running for the top job, outsider Zelenski and incumbent Poroshenko remain in the race for Ukraine’s next president. Will Ukrainian actors and their international partners be able to keep the country on the road to reform following the ballot? read more


Shanghai Cooperation Organization

India-Pakistan Tensions Test the SCO’s Mettle

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will hold its 19th Heads of State Summit in June. But can it calm tensions between its newest member states India and Pakistan? read more


Khartoum Process

Eritrea Chairs Dialogue on Migration: A Strange Partner

In early March 2019, the Eritrean government has taken over the chair of the ‘Khartoum process’, in which Europe and states from the Horn of Africa discuss the critical question of migration – a strange partner. read more



Election Year to the Rhythm of the International Monetary Fund

2019 could prove a fateful year for Argentina. To receive further financial aid from the International Monetary Fund, the government has to enforce drastic and unpopular measures ahead of the October elections. President Mauricio Macri is walking on very thin ice. read more


In Our next Newsletter

What Tunisia Can Teach Brexit Britain About Building Consensus

As deadline follows deadline over Brexit, the issue polarizes British society like few issues have for decades. England-based BTI Tunisia expert Fabian Stroetkes explains why decision-makers in Tunis had more success in building consensus recently than those in London.



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The BTI Team is looking forward to your questions, feedback and ideas:


Sabine Donner, Hauke Hartmann and Sebastian Plate


Bertelsmann Stiftung

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The Bertelsmann Stiftung, based in Gütersloh, Germany, is a nonprofit, private

operating foundation in accordance with Section 1 of North Rhine-Westphalia's Foundation Law.

The district government of Detmold serves as its supervisory authority.

Founder: Reinhard Mohn

Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Prof. Dr. Werner J. Bauer

Executive Board: Dr. Ralph Heck (Chairman), Dr. Brigitte Mohn, Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer