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BTI Transformation Insights

10 July 2018

Analysis and research on governance, political regimes and economic policies from the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI).



Football Meets Politics

What do quality of democracy, freedom of the press, social justice, anti-corruption policy and civil rights have to do with football? Follow our World Cup reporting on matches of the day and country stats of a different kind. Our predictions and information are based on data from the Bertelsmann Transformation Index BTI and the Sustainable Governance Indicators SGI. read more


The Idea Behind #DemocracyWorldCup

Scoring with Free Elections and Civil Rights

For the first time since the end of the Cold War, an autocracy hosts the World Cup. Reason enough for us to uphold values such as inclusion, participation and fair play not only on the pitch but also in society as a whole. Because football and democracy have much more in common than it seems at first glance. read more


Elections I

The New Turkey: Erdoğan’s Personal Fief

Will a floundering economy spell the end for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan? We took a closer look at the remaining bounderies and future challenges for the ever powerful president in anticipation of the elections held on 24 June. read more


Elections II

Populists on Both Sides of the Wall

Exasperation with political corruption and snail-paced social reform has brought left-wing populist Andrés Manuel López Obrador to victory in the Mexican presidential elections of 1 July. Why did populist ideas fall on such fertile ground? read more


Iran Sanctions

Compliance for a Treaty, Credibility for Partnership

So he really did it. On May 8, US President Donald Trump decided that the economic sanctions against Iran suspended under the multilateral nuclear agreement should be resumed and even tightened and unilaterally terminated the agreement. Europeans should try to save the deal – and someone should explain to Trump the diplomatic ABC of the difference between contract compliance and credibility. read more


SDG Index 2018

Poor Implementation: Rich Countries Risk Achievement of the Global Goals

Three years after the Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all UN member states, the global community already risks to fall short on achieving the global goals. Though many countries are progressing, it is especially the rich countries of the G20 that need to strengthen their efforts, as a lack of national implementation mechanisms and negative spillover effects threaten the global achievement. read more


Global Economy

Industrialized Countries are the Winners of Globalization

The retreat into the national sphere is in vogue – especially in the industrialized countries: The election results between Washington and Berlin reflect citizens' concerns about the negative consequences of globalization. However, our Globalization Report 2018 shows that the winners of globalization are often at home where the criticism of globalization is loudest: in the industrialized countries. read more


Sub-Saharan Economies

How to Boost East African Economies?

The recent African Union Summit was poised to probe widespread corruption but a closer look at East Africa also reveals other pressing issues, not least rising political uncertainty, economic instability and violence. read more


South American Economies

Mercosur: Crisis-Ridden and Pronounced Dead but Still Alive

South American countries are far too busy with their scandals and crises to be making progress with economic and political integration. And yet those crises could be exactly what gives Mercosur its second wind. read more


In Our next Newsletter

Hun Sen to Extend His Long Rule

Cambodia’s vote in July is unlikely to unsettle strongman ruler Hun Sen. After quashing the opposition,  he is geared up to extend his 33-year stint at the top.



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The BTI Team is looking forward to your questions, feedback and ideas:


Sabine Donner, Hauke Hartmann and Sebastian Plate


Bertelsmann Stiftung

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33311 Gütersloh

Phone: +49 5241-8181507



The Bertelsmann Stiftung, based in Gütersloh, Germany, is a nonprofit, private

operating foundation in accordance with Section 1 of North Rhine-Westphalia's Foundation Law.

The district government of Detmold serves as its supervisory authority.

Founder: Reinhard Mohn

Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Prof. Dr. Werner J. Bauer

Executive Board: Dr. Ralph Heck (Chairman), Dr. Brigitte Mohn, Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer