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BTI Transformation Insights

19 March 2018

Analysis and research on governance, political regimes and economic policies from the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI).


Russian Presidential Election

To the Victor, Stagnation

Putin will remain Russia’s strong man for another six years. But his muscle-flexing on the international stage is designed to divert attention from the country’s dismal economic outlook. read more



Increasing the Dose of Nationalism

In Russia, there was no doubt as to Vladimir Putin's re-election. The only serious challenger, Alexei Navalny, had not been admitted as a candidate. Putin mobilized voters by demonstrating Russia's military clout. A commentary by our Senior Expert for Eastern Europe, Miriam Kosmehl. read more



BTI 2018 Russia Report

Every two years, the BTI publishes 129 comprehensive country reports on the quality of democracy, a market economy and governance. On the occasion of yesterday's elections, we publish our 2018 Russia Report ahead of schedule. read more



Ready for a Second Economic Miracle?

On March 12, 2018, Mauritius celebrated 50 years of independence. The country is proud of its economic progress and the government has set an ambitious goal: to transform the remote island state into a high-income country within the next few years. What is the origin of the Mauritian success story? read more


In Our Next Newsletter

BTI 2018 to Be Launched on Thursday

Which countries democratized, which retreated to autocracy? How much progress has been made towards social inclusion? How do developing and transitional countries deal with internal cleavages and conflict? The BTI 2018, based on a network of nearly 300 experts from renowned research institutions worldwide, provide in-depth empirical answers to these complex questions. Please help us spread the word on 22 March!



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The BTI Team is looking forward to your questions, feedback and ideas:


Sabine Donner, Hauke Hartmann and Sebastian Plate


Bertelsmann Stiftung

Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256

33311 Gütersloh

Phone: +49 5241-8181507



The Bertelsmann Stiftung, based in Gütersloh, Germany, is a nonprofit, private

operating foundation in accordance with Section 1 of North Rhine-Westphalia's Foundation Law.

The district government of Detmold serves as its supervisory authority.

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Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Prof. Dr. Werner J. Bauer

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