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Newsletter of Oct 31, 2019

Germany needs to step up its globalization game. Our Roadmap 2030 identifies five areas of action.


Roadmap 2030

Through a number of studies, events, and videos, our project has tried to shed light on the evolving nature of globalization. In our “Roadmap 2030” we provide a concise overview of the main findings and its implications for Germany.

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Dispute Settlement at the WTO – A Renovation Case?

The Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO is often described as the crown jewel of the organisation – few other international organisations dispose not only the capacity to set international rules but also to enforce them. However, the system is in crisis as the Appellate Body is close to losing its functionality. At GED’s panel session at the WTO Public Forum, the results of survey on views on the Dispute Settlement mechanism are being presented. This is part of a series of ideas on reforming the WTO, more on this an related issues will appear in this blog.

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New Walls IV: The Developing World and the Rise of Protectionism

The rising use of restrictive trade measures around the world and political incidents like the trade disputes between China and the US show that the world order, which has been predominantly liberal over the last decades, is currently shifting towards protectionism. In this post, we discuss the role of restrictive trade policies and the possible economic consequences of increasing protectionism for developing countries.

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On the Record Conference

We cordially invite you to join this year's On the Record, a conference for economics, politics and journalism, which will take place in the lounge of the Signal Iduna Park in Dortmund on November 28.

The conference will focus on two questions: Does capitalism still have a future? Will the euro zone collapse in the next crisis?

Speakers include Kevin Kühnert, Young Social Democrat Chairman, Joachim Lang, Managing Director of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Klaus Regling, head of the euro rescue parachute ESM and Thieß Petersen, Senior Advisor of the GED-Team. For further information on the program please click here.

Please register here


Does Globalization Need a Gender Perspective?

A book abstract of “The Sex Factor: How Women Made the West Rich” by Victoria Bateman

Finding the relationship between globalization and gender has been an important task for international organizations, economists and policymakers for some years now. Not only are they seeking to understand how gender inequality affects global economic trends but also why, when talking about the winners and losers of globalization, women are often overrepresented in the second group. This, however, has to do with a much bigger problem. One that Victoria Bateman tries to uncover in her latest book “The Sex Factor: How Women Made the West Rich.”

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About Global Economic Dynamics (GED):

We help make complex economic dynamics transparent and understandable.

The project examines the causes and effects of economic trends, as well as the connections linking one trend to another.


Andreas Esche

Director, Program Megatrends


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