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Transatlantic Webinar

May 27, 2020

The Digital Economy & COVID-19

Current Trends and Long-term Impacts


Transatlantic Webinar

The Digital Economy & COVID-19

27 May 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM. CET


The coronavirus epidemic is a medical crisis, but the pandemic is also having an outsized impact on the global economy. With millions ─ maybe billions ─ of people practicing social distancing, the importance of the digital economy is laid bare. With retail, manufacturing and service industries facing uncertain futures, can growth in the digital sector help our economies stay afloat?

Meanwhile, a growing digital bifurcation becomes increasingly evident: millions of “no collar” workers seamlessly transitioned to home offices, needing but a computer and an internet connection to continue their professional lives. By contrast, those outside of the digital economy, or at the fringes of it, faced closures, layoffs, and exposure as the manual labor in the gig economy.

Where is this all leading? Join the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Bertelsmann Stiftung for a webinar discussion featuring analysts and policymakers as they discuss the impact of the coronavirus on the digital economy, and consider the long-term ramifications.

SpeakersTania Begazo
Senior Economist, Digital Development Global Practice
World Bank

Christian Bluth
Project Manager
Bertelsmann Stiftung

Felipe Buitrago
Vice Minister of the Creative Economy
Catherine Tucker
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Samuel George
Global Markets & Digital Advisor
Bertelsmann Foundation



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About Global Economic Dynamics (GED):

We help make complex economic dynamics transparent and understandable.

The project examines the causes and effects of economic trends, as well as the connections linking one trend to another.


Andreas Esche

Director, Program Megatrends


Bertelsmann Stiftung

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33311 Gütersloh


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The Bertelsmann Stiftung, based in Gütersloh, Germany, is a nonprofit, private

operating foundation in accordance with Section 1 of North Rhine-Westphalia's Foundation Law.

The district government of Detmold serves as its supervisory authority.

Founder: Reinhard Mohn

Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Prof. Dr. Werner J. Bauer

Executive Board: Dr. Ralph Heck (Chairman), Dr. Brigitte Mohn, Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer