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Global Economic Dynamics

Newsletter of August 2016

We help make complex economic dynamics transparent and understandable. The project examines the causes and effects of economic trends, as well as the connections linking one trend to another.



Free Trade from Lisbon to Vladivostok

Never since the end of the Cold War have tensions between Russia and the EU been higher. But no side is gaining from increased confrontation – it is, in fact, detrimental to both sides. Instead, increased trade between the EU and the Eurasian region has not only the potential for substantial economic gains, it can also help to build a more stable and peaceful security environment. 

This is the finding of our newest GED Study. The study is available for download in German, as well as in English and Russian in its Focus Paper version.

For a short summary of the paper's main findings, click here to read the corresponding blogpost. read more


Blog Post

GED Mini-Series: Lessons Learned from TTIP

On August 28, Germany’s minister for economic affairs said TTIP negotiations with the US had “de facto failed”. Similarly, In a survey the GED team commissioned in February, only about half of Germans said they had a positive view of free trade – down from almost 90% two years earlier. This is not a phenomenon specific to Germany, all over the world free trade – as a symbol of globalisation – is viewed increasingly negatively. In our new GED series we take a look at what we can learn from TTIP and how to make trade more attractive again in the future. read more


Blog Post

It's More than Just Exports! Why China is not as Globalized as we Think

“Factory of the world”, “world export champion”, “global growth engine” – China appears to be one of the clear winners of globalization. Yet a close examination reveals that China is still nowhere near as connected with the rest of the world as western industrialized nations. read more


Blog Post

How Unequal is Germany?

To find out about the level of equality in Germany, we set up a debate and questioned the two leading economists in the country, Professor Marcel Fratzscher, President of the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin, and Professor Clemens Fuest, Head of the ifo (Institute for Economic Research) in Munich. read more


Blog Post

Inside Turkey's Economy: Risks, Rewards, and Challenges Ahead

On July 15, Turkey’s tumultuous 2016 took a shocking twist as elements within the country’s military attempted a coup against the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. But it’s not just the country’s political situation that was thrown into turmoil. Turkey's economy too faces some interesting months ahead. Both challenges and opportunities await. GED's Sam George knows more read more


Blog Post

After Brexit: How to Bring Europe Back on Track

Brexit has been a shock – for EU policymakers as much as for those in Britain. The EU has known setbacks before but these were failures to further integration. Now the process is actually being reversed. Most of all, Brexit is a symptom of a trend to be found in many EU countries: The EU has never been less popular among the European public. Anti-EU voices are gaining more traction in the political arena, and people put faith into national rather than European institutions. read more


Blog Post

The UK after Brexit: What short-term Economic Developments can be Expected?

Since 24 June it has been clear that the UK wants to leave the EU. The initiator of the referendum, David Cameron, resigned and made way for new British prime minister Theresa May. Back in the spring of 2015, we commissioned a study to examine what long-term effects a Brexit would have on economic growth in Europe. The results applied to the year 2030. But what does this decision mean for economic development over the coming months? read more


Blog Post

The Geo-Strategic Case for Mega Trade Deals

With the presidential election coming up TPP seems more unpopular than ever with Amercian voters. Still there is a good case to be made for mega trade deals like the TPP. The GED team’s America correspondent Sam George tells you his personal views. read more


Blog Post

The Crossroads Conversations: Daron Acemoglu and Vali Nasr on Turkey

“The irony,”  Vali Nasr told me, “is that this is increasingly rehabilitating the military: the more Turkey leans on a military solution to the Kurdish problem, the more it has a national security environment.”

Our newest Crossroads interviews bring valuable insights into the tumultuous state of Turkey’s economy and security situation. read more



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About Global Economic Dynamics (GED):

We help make complex economic dynamics transparent and understandable.

The project examines the causes and effects of economic trends, as well as the connections linking one trend to another.


Andreas Esche

Director, Program Megatrends


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