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Learning for Life

Newsletter April 2018

The newsletter informs about the activities of the Bertelsmann Stiftung to improve education and training opportunities for young people and adults.




Apprenticeship training in England – a cost-effective model for firms?

In England, the topic of apprenticeships is a major issue in education policy. To address the challenges centred around apprenticeships and to ensure that policymaking is evidence-based, the global apprenticeship expert Prof. Dr. Stefan C. Wolter explores alternative delivery models for apprenticeships in England. The report Apprenticeship in England – a cost-effective model for firms? analyses what the benefits would be if a Swiss-style apprenticeship model were to be adopted by firms in England. read more



Vocational Training Faces New Challenges

We are working to develop solutions to pressing questions on the topic of vocational training in Germany. It is our goal to give every young person access to vocational training, to lower the number of vacant vocational training positions and to increase the permeability between vocational and academic training. read more



An Incomplete Recovery - Youth Unemployment in Europe 2008 – 2016

Ten years after the economic crisis, youth employment in Europe is still not back to its pre-crisis level. The report looks at the development of youth labour markets in the EU countries. It identifies groups of young people disproportionately affected by the crisis and those that have not fully benefitted from the recent recovery. read more

Self-assessment of professional competences in just 5 minutes!

Millions of refugees and informally qualified workers do not have professional qualifications, but have however already gained extensive professional experience. allows you (or your client) to self-asses your professional competences in 8 (soon to be 30) professions in just five minutes. The self-assessment covers the central activities of a profession for which you can indicate the frequency of performance. The website is available in six languages.  read more



3rd Biennale „Validation of Prior Learning“, Berlin, 7 to 8 of May 2019

The VPL Biennale aims at strengthening the platform for policy makers, practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders who are involved in further developing/implementing Validation of Prior Learning. The motto “Making policy work – Validation of Prior Learning for education and the labour market” is about sharing knowledge, ideas and visions on VPL and about the creative process of learning from one another’s successes, problems and solutions in the VPL-world. Register for further updates here. 


New Project-Website

"Careers via Competences" is now online

Careers via Competences (2017-2021) is the follow-up project of Further Education for All (2013-2016). The new project aims at reforming continuing education so the competences of “low-skilled” persons can be discovered, developed and validated, in turn increasing their professional opportunities. In cooperation with science, practice, politics and the economy, we have developed and tested tools for skills assessment, concepts for the validation of competences and programs for the delivery of partial qualifications. read more



Show your professional skills!

No job without a certificate? Many people in Germany have this experience, even if they have already had valuable work experience. MYSKILLS aims to integrate the unemployed and people with an immigration background into the labour market. MYSKILLS is a computerised test battery that evaluates professional skills in 30 professions. The tests are available in six languages and taken at job centres or the local employment agency.  read more



Apprenticeship training in Spain - a cost-effective model for firms?

What are the costs and benefits of dual apprenticeship training for companies in Spain? The study looks at six sectors of the Spanish economy and ten professions. read more



Competence Cards

The newly developed competence cards are customized to both the immigrants’ and the counsellors’ needs. They are flexible, hands-on, visualize competences, and are compatible with other counselling offices. read more



When competences become occupational opportunities

This summary evaluates the opportunities and challenges for recognising and validating informal learning in Europe. Best practice examples are shown on the basis of core elements and quality criteria in a cross-country comparison. read more


Social Media

We would like to invite you to communicate with us. Our Blog and Facebook pages (in German) include up-to-date information, summaries and opinions about our work. Take the opportunity to comment and get in touch with us! We look forward to hearing from you.



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Frank Frick


Education and the Next Generation


Bertelsmann Stiftung

Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256

33311 Gütersloh


Phone: +49 5241 81-81253

Fax: +49 5241 81-681253



The Bertelsmann Stiftung, based in Gütersloh, Germany, is a nonprofit, private

operating foundation in accordance with Section 1 of North Rhine-Westphalia's Foundation Law.

The district government of Detmold serves as its supervisory authority.

Founder: Reinhard Mohn

Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner J. Bauer

Executive Board: Dr. Ralph Heck (Chairman), Dr. Brigitte Mohn, Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer