Many refugees and “low-skilled” persons have gathered valuable professional experience outside of their education or entirely without formal education. To optimally integrate them into the labor market, it is important to know with which concrete actions in a reference profession a candidate is or is not already familiar. For this reason, Bertelsmann Stiftung has developed a digital instrument, which allows for an initial self-assessment using images of concrete action situations in only a few minutes.

Bertelsmann Stiftung
Get a self-assessment of professional competences in five minutes!
Millions of people in Germany do not have professional qualifications, but have already gathered extensive professional experience. You or your client can now show what they have learned in 30 professions on You can choose between twelve languages. A self-assessment only takes 3-5 minutes. Simply try it out!
A free instrument for professional and career guidance
The objective of is to offer the users an opportunity to take a self-assessment to determine the extent of their previous professional experience in 30 labor market professions particularly relevant on the labor market. The low-threshold and freely accessible instrument helps labor market and integration advisors plan paths to employment, qualification, in-depth assessment of competence or formal recognition of professional experience with their clients.
Five minutes - twelve languages - thirty professions
The core of consists of 20-40 captioned images for each profession, which illustrate selected, typical action situations and are each presented with the question: “How often have you done this?” There are four response options. The results of the self-assessment of professional experience are available in three to five minutes and can be downloaded, printed out or sent via email. No personal data is collected during registration. An anonymous ID is used for identification. The user can choose between twelve languages on the website at any time. German, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Farsi, Portuguese, Polish, Bulgarian, Arabic, Romanian and Turkish.
Overview of the jobs available
- Alteration tailor
- Baker
- Building and object coater
- Building construction worker - specialising in masonry work
- Civil engineering worker - specialising in road building
- Construction finishing worker - specialising in tiles and mosaics
- Cook
- Driver
- Elderly care assistant
- Electronics technician - specialising in energy and building technology
- Farmer
- Gardener - specialising in horticulture and landscape gardening
- Hairdresser
- Housekeeper
- Industrial cleaner
- Industrial electrician - specialising in industrial engineering
- Information technology specialist - specialising in systems integration
- Joiner
- Machine and plant operator
- Mechanic in plastics and rubber processing
- Motor vehicle mechatronics technician
- Plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems
- Sales assistant for retail services
- Salesperson - specialising in foodstuffs
- Skilled metal worker - specialising in structural engineering
- Specialist in the hospitality services industsry
- Specialist in furniture, kitchen and removal services
- Tinsmith
- Warehouse operator
- Specialist in food technology
The tool is based on practical competence models
Competence models are the basis of They describe five to eight practical fields of action for each of the 30 professions, which each include two to eight typical action situations. Professional experts developed the models based on the training regulations and standard curricula. Then, they were reviewed by masters, trainers, vocational school teachers and representatives from chambers and trade guilds and the respective trade associations in user workshops to determine the practical relevance in day-to-day operations. Scientists from renowned research institutes supported the development and review the final competence models.
Options for use
In principle, can be used in three ways:
- A client performs a self-assessment with the help of their career counselor.
- An advisor preselects the professions to be reviewed and sends their client the session ID so they can perform the self-assessment themselves.
- Clients perform the self-assessment themselves and uses the overview of the results for their further professional and educational path at their own discretion.