[Translate to English:] Ein Mann hält sein Handy in den Händen.

Online workshop for beginners in the field of open administrative data


Making data available to the public is increasingly being added to the list of tasks public administrators are responsible for. Similar to the barrier-free information available on municipal websites, these “open data” are also freely accessible. 

This free, three-hour online workshop will introduce you to the most important aspects of open data and how to deal with the related legal, technical and organizational challenges.

The workshop provides an overview of the current discussion on open data and examples of national and international best practices. Time will also be taken to look at the use of open data in the participants’ own administrative settings. Participants will learn the basics of publishing open data along with the challenges and opportunities open data bring. The questions addressed include:

  1. What are open administrative data and why are they important?
  2. What are the arguments in favor of publishing open data?
  3. Organizational, technical and legal considerations
  4. Tips for getting started with open administrative data

Workshop leader

Bernhard Krabina (Knowledge Management Austria / Open Commons Linz)

Expert for open data and digitalization. Author of the “Open-Government Implementation Model” as well as manuals and guides for the city of Vienna, Austria’s Federal Ministry of Digitalization and the Bertelsmann Stiftung (see “A Guide to Open Data”).


The date has not yet been set. If you would like to participate in the next online workshop, you can reserve a place now. 


Online via Zoom (access information will be sent prior to the meeting)


Please send an e-mail to Petra Beckhoff at petra.beckhoff@bertelsmann-stiftung.de.


Foto Mario Wiedemann
Mario Wiedemann
Senior Project Manager
Foto Petra Beckhoff
Petra Beckhoff
Project Assistant