Schriftzug und Menschen auf dem Rasen vor dem Reichstagsgebäude


Take a look at the detailed programme with all workshops and training sessions. All times are given in CEST. At the bottom of the page you can download the programme and the description of the workshops and training sessions as pdf.


Day 1: September 28, Location: Bertelsmann, Unter den Linden 1, 10117 Berlin

8:00 - 9:00

Walk-in and Covid testing

9:00 - 9:30 

Welcome & Introduction to Berlin and to this conference

Dominik Hierlemann, Anna Renkamp (Bertelsmann Stiftung); Dr. Angela Jain, Friedemann Walther (Senate Chancellery of Berlin) & David Schecter (Democracy R&D)

9:30 - 11:00 

Thematic introduction & networking activity in relation to the thematic streams: political buy-in, inclusive participation & democracy in (times of) crisis.

Moderators: Emily Williams (Bertelsmann Stiftung) & Maarten de Groot
Speakers: Claudine Nierth (Mehr Demokratie e.V.); Azucena Morán (IASS Potsdam) & Edlyne Anugwom (University of Nigeria)

11:00 - 11:30 


11:30 - 13:00 

Deliberative case studies - learning from successes, mistakes & dilemmas 

World café: exchanges based on input from impulse-givers

Hans-Liudger Dienel (nexus institute) & Angela Jain (Senate Chancellery of Berlin)

13:00 - 14:00 


14:00 - 15:00 

Parallel workshops - round 1 

  • WS 01 The Conference on the Future of Europe’s Plenary: desirable innovation or smokescreen? 
    Yves Mathieu, Antoine Vergne (Missions Publiques) & Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul (European Commission)

  • WS 02 Enclave deliberation  
    Kimbra White (MosaicLab)

  • WS 03 Wartime democracy: what’s going on w/ democracy & how to cope w/ war? Experience of Ukraine
    Olga Kutsenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv & Technical University of Berlin) 
    (hybrid format)
    You can join this session by Zoom by following this link

  • WS 05 Gardener, sailor, firefighter - Three different collaborative response in times of democratic crisis
    Jessie Joe Jacobs (The Democracy Network, Involve) & Tom Brake (Unlock Democracy, Democracy Defence Coalition)

  • WS 06 New deliberative institutions for the next democratic paradigm 
    Ieva Cesnulaityte & Aviv Ovadya

15:00 - 15:30 


15:30 - 16:30 

Parallel workshops - round 2 

  • WS 07 Beyond crisis: reimagining democracy urgently for a shared future
    Sarah Castell & Charlotte Obijiaku (Involve)

  • WS 08 Unpacking the Global Assembly: an exploration of the first global citizens' assembly pilot
    Claire Mellier, Remco van der Stoep (; Jon Stever (i4Policy) & Sanskriti Menon (CEE)

  • WS 09 Creative techniques to foster more equal and inclusive deliberation
    Jez Hall & Pete Bryant (Shared Future CIC) (hybrid format)
    You can join this session by Zoom by following this link.

  • WS 10 Mirar la democracia deliberativa desde el Sur Global/Global South perspectives of del. democ.
    Sofia Castillo & Carlos Brown (SUR Institute)

  • WS 11 Assembling a volunteer-based citizens’ assembly with zero budget in times of political crisis
    David Dunetz & Ronen Goffer (The Heschel Center for Sustainability, CAI)

  • WS 12 How to include citizen participation in crisis management
    Charly Pache



17:00 - 18:30 

Dialogue: The future of participatory democracy

Lars Castellucci (Member of the German Bundestag, SPD)
Gisela Erler (Former State Counsellor for Civil Society and Citizen Participation at the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg)
Gesine Märtens (State Secretary for Democracy, Europe and Equality, Saxony)
Colin Scicluna (Head of Cabinet, Vice President for Democracy & Demography; European Commission) 
Moderator: Dominik Hierlemann (Bertelsmann Stiftung)

18:30 - 20:00 

Standing reception, finger food buffet 

Day 2: September 29, Location: Bertelsmann, Unter den Linden 1, 10117 Berlin

8:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:45

Welcome back

Impressions from day 1 & reports from workshops 

Dominik Hierlemann (Bertelsmann Stiftung)

9:45 - 11:00

Parallel workshops - round 3

  • WS 13 Let a thousand flowers bloom: scaling out and replicating citizen deliberation
    Silvia Cervellini (Delibera Brasil ) & Pete Bryant (Shared Future) (hybrid format)
    You can join this session by Zoom by following this link

  • WS 14 Next level citizen participation in the EU – institutionalising European citizens’ assemblies 
    Andrey Demidov, Dominik Hierlemann & Anna Renkamp (Bertelsmann Stiftung)

  • WS 15 Including the ignored
    Irene Alonso Toucido & Yves Dejaeghere (FIDE)

  • WS 16 Rising above crisis: deliberative democracy and consolidation of democracy in Central Africa
    Edlyne Anugwom, Ben Nwosu & ‪Chikodiri Nwangwu (University of Nigeria)

  • WS 17 Bursting our bubble: using deliberative practices for constitutional reform & political result
    Wendy Willis (Oregon's Kitchen Table; Deliberative Democracy Consortium) & Graham Allen (Former Member of Parliament)

  • WS 18 Where next for climate assemblies?
    Graham Smith (Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies) & Mark Beanland
    (Danish Board of Technology)

11:00 - 11:30


11:30 - 13:00

Democracy R&D development & related affairs

David Schecter & the Coordination Working Group

13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:30

Open space – part 1

Discussions in small groups and reporting back in plenary

James Robertson (Sortition Foundation)

15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 18:00

Open space – part 2

Discussions in small groups and reporting back in plenary

James Robertson (Sortition Foundation)

In parallel: meeting with German politicians in the Bundestag

Helge Lindh (SPD)
Leon Eckert (Alliance 90/The Greens)
Ralph Edelhäußer (CSU)
Roman Huber (Mehr Demokratie e.V.)

19:00/19:30 - 21:30

Garden party at nexus institute 

Including food, beverages and 'after-dinner-speech' (at 20:15): "The Chilean Deliberative Poll", by James Fishkin, Tomás González Olavarría, Alice Siu 
Hans-Liudger Dienel (nexus institute)

Day 3: September 30, Location: Technische Universität Berlin, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin

8:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:30

Introduction to the Deliberative Democracy School

Hans-Liudger Dienel (nexus institute) & Angela Jain (Senate Chancellery of Berlin)

09:30 - 10:45

Parallel training sessions - round 1

  • TS 01 Decision-makers as movers and shakers, communities as moonrakers: comparing two models
    Mel Stevens, Pandora Ellis (Democratic Society) & Tom Lord (Sortition Foundation)

  • TS 02 Talking change: speaking the story of deliberation into reality
    This session has been cancelled. Registered participants for this session can choose another session that still has capacity on the spot on day 3, without prior registration.

  • TS 03 Partnership and participation: the approach to whole system buy-in
    Harm van Dijk, Mirjam de Pagter & Remco van der Stoep (

  • TS 04 Facilitating collaboration: groups self-writing reports & reaching common ground – part 1 
    Kimbra White (MosaicLab) Integrated session with TS 09 

  • TS 05 Towards collaborative governance: enabling public authorities to harness the power of deliberation 
    Prof. Patrizia Nanz, Giulia Molinengo, Lukas Kübler, Monika Arzberger & Torben Voss (CO:LAB | BASE)

10:45 - 11:15


11:15 - 12:30

Parallel training sessions - round 2   

  • TS 06 Taking deliberations online 
    Ceri Davies & Duncan Grimes (National Centre for Social Research)

  • TS 07 Bringing citizens' assemblies to the public 
    Thorsten Sterk (Mehr Demokratie e.V.)

  • TS 08 Pre-deliberation learning focused on lower formal educational groups make better assemblies
    Ana Lucia Lima (Delibera Brasil) & Christiane Dienel (nexus institute)

  • TS 09 Facilitating collaboration: groups self-writing reports & reaching common ground – part 2
    Kimbra White (MosaicLab) Integrated session with TS 04

  • TS 10 Democratic infrastructures: turning one-off deliberations into resilient democracies
    Hanne Bastiaensen & max stearns (Democratic Society)

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:45

Parallel training sessions - round 3

  • TS 11 How to train politicians and senior leaders on climate engagement 
    Rebekah McCabe & Kaela Scott (Involve)

  • TS 12 Recruiting representative samples by democratic lottery: what does this actually mean? 
    Rich Rippin (Sortition Foundation)

  • TS 13 We're gonna need a bigger room: large-scale participant-led deliberation 
    Harm van Dijk, Mirjam de Pagter & Remco van der Stoep (

  • TS 14 Reflections on the politics of deliberative action in Taiwan
    Tze-Luen Lin & Chia-Hua Lu (National Taiwan University) (hybrid format)
    You can join this session by Zoom by following this link.

14:45 - 15:15


15:15 - 16:00

Evaluation & closing

Anna Renkamp (Bertelsmann Stiftung)Maarten de Groot & David Schecter (Democracy R&D)

Session materials


The Democracy R&D annual conference is jointly organised and hosted by