
Joint Workshop with Monopolies Commission: "Market power trends: Evidence and implications for Germany and Europe"

The US-American tech giants can further expand their market power even in the corona crisis. But what about competition in Germany and Europe? We have discussed this with international scientists.

The corona crisis, digitalization, China's state capitalism. All of this is shaking up the competitiveness of companies in Europe. Our latest study has shown how important functioning competition is for Germany in particular.

We shared our findings on this topic in a top-class digital workshop organized in cooperation with the German Monopolies Commission. We were able to win Achim Wambach, President of the Leibniz Center for European Economic Research and the Monopolies Commission, and Philipp Steinberg, Head of the Economic Policy Department at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, as keynote speakers.

After our colleague Torben Stühmeier had introduced the topic from our project's point of view, scientists from the OECD, among others, presented their work. Together with more than 30 international participants of the workshop, a technically very dense discussion about the development of competition in Europe followed. A core result: The development in the member states is very different. But an important common driver is digitization in the markets.