[Translate to English:] Meisterkurs Oper

[Translate to English:] International bekannt ist der Gesangswettbewerb NEUE STIMMEN, mit dem weltweit Talente entdeckt und gefördert werden. Die Vorbereitungen für die Durchführung im Jahr 2018 laufen gerade an.

A male talent stying on the stage of NEUE STIMMEN

Opera Master Class

The objective and task of the NEUE STIMMEN International Singing Competition is to discover and effectively promote talent worldwide.

Contact person

Foto Ines Koring
Ines Koring
Foto Dorothea Gregor
Dorothea Gregor

Those who make it to the last round of the singing competition in Gütersloh represent some of the most outstanding young voices in the world. Yet the high-caliber jury focuses not only on the prizewinner. The Bertelsmann Stiftung will provide all participants who are recognized as being particularly talented and worthy of promotion the chance to further develop during the following year through a master class. Of primary importance in this highly challenging and supportive program is assisting the participants in “creating” their careers.

In the master class, world-famous musicians tutor up to 15 former participants in the competition and work with them on their individual vocal and creative expression capabilities. This involves not just hitting the right notes but also focuses on filling arias and characters with life and growing into them.  

A final concert will be performed without competitive pressure, allowing the talented young artists to present their abilities to an audience of more than 300 invited guests. The master class also serves here to allow further networking with artistic directors, festival directors and agents.

Because both the competition and the master classes are oriented toward effective career development, the focus is not just placed on artistic promotion. Topics such as networking and the correct methods of using social media can be found on the schedules, as well as interviewing and application skills especially adapted to the situation of young singers. The range of offers is designed to match each specific participant’s needs, which this year meant providing advice was given on German contract law, dealing with agencies and the ability to plan the economics of a singing career.