[Translate to English:] in einer Werkstatt erklärt der Meister den beiden Auszubildenden eine Maschine, alle haben einen Gehörrschutz auf dem Kopf (aber nicht auf den Ohren)

The economics of apprenticeship training

Companies are key actors in apprenticeship training. This paper provides general conclusions on costs and benefits from the point of view of companies.

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To increase the popularity of the apprenticeship programs as well as to create benefits for individuals and the state, and for the firms providing apprenticeships, it is important to provide reliable information to firms about the circumstances where apprenticeship models are a potential win-win situation. Therefore, Samuel Mühlemann and Stefan Wolter have summarised seven important findings from cost-benefit-surveys of apprenticeship training programmes in this paper.

  1. Ratio of costs and benefits influences firms‘ willingness of providing apprenticeship training
  2. Similar apprenticeship training systems do not necessarily produce similar outcomes
  3. Returns on apprenticeships after training are maybe more important than during
  4. Flexible but coherent training parameters are key for a functioning apprenticeship training system
  5. Variable apprentices' salaries prevent distortions in the apprenticeship market
  6. Apprentices‘ benefits are a relevant factor that must also be considered for a functioning apprenticeship system
  7. Training quality and scope may reduce net costs and increase the returns on education