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RANGE (Rethinking Assumptions in a New Geostrategic Environment) is a crowdsourced forecasting platform focused on geopolitics and the transatlantic relationship. We can’t predict the future, but we can get better at forecasting what lies ahead. To that end, the Bertelsmann Foundation, Bertelsmann Stiftung and Cultivate Labs created the RANGE Transatlantic Forecasting Platform. This unique tool draws on the wisdom of the crowd to paint a more accurate picture of the challenges and opportunities on the horizon.

In this tutorial video, we show you how to get started on RANGE, how to make a probabilistic forecast, and provide some tips to help you become an accurate forecaster.


Together with the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), Richard Grieveson (Deputy Director, wiiw) and Christian Hanelt (Senior Expert for the EU Neighbourhood and the Middle East, Bertelsmann Stiftung) present a new study entitled: “Keeping friends closer: Why the EU should address new geoeconomic realities and get its neighbours back in the fold.”

The study sets out to measure the interconnectivity between the European Union and its neighbouring countries and to compare these interconnections with those of the EU’s peers and rivals: the US, China, and Russia.

Specifically, the study deals with interconnectivity in five areas: trade, finance, technology and know-how, infrastructure and labour mobility. In doing so, the study seeks to identify and measure the extent of these interconnections and to draw out the key geoeconomic implications for the EU.

This event occurred on February 17, 2023 in the “public square” of the 2023 Munich Security Conference.



"Beyond GDP: What counts for economic & social performance? Understanding different daily life challenges of Europeans" was the title of a virtual conference jointly organized on June 16, 2020 by the OECD-hosted HLEG and our foundation. The participants were:
Nobel Prize Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz;
State Secretaries Wolfgang Schmidt and Christian Kastrop;
Martine Durand, HLEG Co-Chair and former OECD Chief Statistician;
Gabriela Ramos, OECD Chief of Staff and Sherpa to the G20, Leader of the Inclusive Growth Initiative and Gender Strategy;
Gary Gillespie, Chief Economist, Scottish Government;
Dennis Snower, Global Solutions Initiative.

Brigitte Mohn, member of our foundation's Executive Board, made the introductory remarks.