Handabdrücke auf rotem Hintergrund

Important facts and figures on trends in ECEC

Early childhood education and care (ECEC ) in Germany needs a qualitative expansion , so that all children may be best supported in their learning and development requirements . The Monitoring provides all stakeholders for the quality-oriented design of ECEC actionable information and impetus for the development of the systems

Contact persons

Foto Anette Stein
Anette Stein
Foto Kathrin Bock-Famulla
Kathrin Bock-Famulla
Senior Expert
Foto Petra Linnhoff
Petra Linnhoff
Project Assistant
Foto Stefanie Schwarz
Stefanie Schwarz
Project Assistant


You can also find information about our project work and events in our (German) newsletter "Wirksame Bildungsinvestitionen".