We live in challenging times. Everywhere in the world, the forces of globalization, digitalization and demographic change are transforming the way we live together. Globally networked economic value chains and technical innovations are impacting our working lives and living conditions, demanding that people today show ever more flexibility. Social relationships too, whether inside the family, within circles of friends or at the workplace, are increasingly being cultivated through digital channels. And finally, the wealthy societies of the global North face challenges associated with swiftly aging populations, while the large share of young people in many countries of the global South face a significant risk of poverty and unemployment.
Trying Times
The international “Trying Times” conference brings together personalities from all over the world to discuss the way we live together in our societies in the future.
Transnational economic, social and cultural spaces are being created by the interplay of globalization, digitalization and demographic trends across different world regions. Many people today have plural identities and multiple cultural connections. Diversity has become the normal state of affairs in most societies around the world.
The international “Trying Times” conference aims to engage with this complex reality, casting an interrogatory look at the world of tomorrow. Leading figures in politics, civil society, business, academia, the media and the cultural sector discuss the challenges we face living together in societies around the world, and develop needed prospects for the future.