Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)

The New Geo-Economic Instruments of the European Union

Format Type
Date of publication
1. edition
26 pages, Brochure
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The international landscape is marked by escalating geopolitical tensions, leading to the weaponisation of economic dependencies. In response, particularly since 2019, the EU has introduced a variety of new instruments aimed at safeguarding itself from unfair competitive practices and from coercive measures intended to effect political change through economic pressure. This study provides an overview of these new instruments, the issues they are meant to address, as well as the corresponding decision mechanisms. The study also points out the conditions allowing for the instruments’ effective use: a close interlinkage with instruments aimed at strengthening economic resilience and decisive action by member states on the basis of a common strategy.

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The return of geopolitics and intensifying rivalries on the international level are putting Europe under pressure. Critical interdependences are increasingly instrumentalised. This endangers the success of the European model, which is based on intensive political and economic interdependence in multilateral systems.