The peaceful transition of authoritarian regimes towards democracy and a market economy poses enormous challenges for citizens and politicians alike. Around the world, under widely differing conditions and with varying degrees of success, reform-oriented groups are struggling to democratize their countries and to strengthen the market economy. Good governance is the decisive factor for the success or failure of any transition process. The Bertelsmann Stiftung's Transformation Index is published every two years. The global ranking measures and compares transition processes worldwide on the basis of detailed country reports. Comparing systematically the status of democracy and market economy on an international basis, the BTI also provides comprehensive data on the quality of political management in 128 transition and developing countries from 2009 to 2011. In addition to the global ranking "Transformation Index BTI 2012. Political Management in International Comparison" (also available as ebook), the seven "Regional Findings"-editions provide the long version material from the BTI-database: the regional overviews and the detailed country reports for the respective regions: East-Central and Southeast Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; West and Central Africa; Middle East and North Africa; South and East Africa; Post-Soviet Eurasia; Asia and Oceania.

Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.)
Transformation Index BTI 2012: Regional Findings Middle East and North Africa
- Format Type
- E-Book / ePub
- Date of publication
- 27/06/2012
- 978-3-86793-451-0
- Edition
- 1. edition
- Volume/Format
- 688 pages, E-Book
- Delivery status
- Available