Agenda initiatives - Citizens determine the political agenda

The right of initiative, the ability to put legislative proposals and ideas on the political agenda, is fundamental in democracies. Parliaments deliberate, the public debates, laws are enacted and implemented. Agenda initiatives give citizens the right to propose issues for parliamentary consideration and legislation. More and more countries around the world are introducing this tool — Finland and Latvia, for example, with remarkable success. Since 2012, the European Citizens' Initiative has even introduced at European level. Environmental protection, services of general interest or citizens' rights — practical experience shows: Citizens can use agenda initiatives to set the agenda, initiate discourse and shape policy. This strengthens democracy. Read the SHORTCUT online



Dear Readers,

Agenda initiatives are a way for citizens to become actively involved in our parliamentary system. They are more than petitions: if enough citizens support an initiative, parliaments have to discuss it. In this way, citizens' ideas and their issues become part of the public debate. Ideally, laws are passed and implemented.

But how exactly do agenda initiatives work? Which countries are already using this instrument and what are their experiences? The tenth edition of our SHORTCUT-series provides answers to these questions.

The SHORTCUT publication series presents interesting approaches, methods and examples for solving democratic challenges in a concise and clear format.

We wish you an interesting read,

Dr. Dominik Hierlemann, Anna Renkamp, Prof. Dr. Robert Vehrkamp


Click here to read the SHORTCUT online


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Europäisches Parlament

Deliberative Committees

SHORTCUT 9 - January 2023


Trailblazers of digital participation

SHORTCUT 8 - September 2022


Here you will find an overview