The French Citizens’ Convention on the End of Life

During his election campaign, French President Macron committed to launching a public debate on euthanasia and suicide in France. For years, there have been debates between French supporters and opponents of changing the law to introduce assisted suicide.

184 citizens therefore came together in a citizens' convention to discuss and work on this issue. The convention was a great success, lessons learned can be drawn from this participation format to make future citizen participation even more effective. Read the SHORTCUT online



Dear readers,

There is now a growing number of successful formats for citizen participation at the national level. Citizens discuss controversial social issues and influence their country's policies.

One example is the Citizens' Convention on the End of Life in France. 184 randomly selected French citizens debated changes to the law on euthanasia and assisted suicide.

What did the citizens decide? Should the laws be changed? And what lessons can be learned from this convention? Our Shortcut 11 gives an insight into this recent example of citizen participation in national legislation.

The SHORTCUT series presents interesting approaches, methods and examples for solving democratic challenges in a concise and clear way. This issue is published in English, French and German.

We wish you an interesting reading,

Dr Dominik Hierlemann, Anna Renkamp, Prof Dr Robert Vehrkamp


Click here to read the SHORTCUT online


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Agenda initiatives Citizens determine the political agenda

SHORTCUT 10 - May 2023

Europäisches Parlament

Deliberative Committees

SHORTCUT 9 - January 2023


Here you will find an overview