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March 2021

Ideas, tools and examples for a thriving democracy.


SHORTCUT ISSUE 5 / March 2021

Transnational Citizens’ Dialogues

In Transnational Citizens' Dialogues, randomly selected citizens from different countries come together and exchange ideas. In transnational groups, they co-create ideas and proposals and then discuss them directly with policymakers.  

Our SHORTCUT brings together experiences and findings from five pilot projects—we show how Transnational Citizens' Dialogues work, both as physical and digital events.

If the EU wants to take its slogan of a "citizens' Europe" seriously, it needs new cross-border participation formats. The upcoming "Conference on the Future of Europe" will only be a success if discussions between citizens and politicians are not limited to national discourses. 


Dear Readers,

We are pleased to present you the fifth edition of our SHORTCUT:
Transnational Citizens’ Dialogues - Making a success of digital citizen participation in multiple languages

The aim of our SHORTCUT series is to provide targeted information on approaches, methods, and projects for solving today’s democratic challenges. How can we better involve citizens in politics? How can we increase democratic legitimacy? What international success stories showcase an improvement to democratic systems? SHORTCUT is our contribution to finding innovative answers to these and other questions.

We hope you will enjoy the reading!

Dominik Hierlemann and Anna Renkamp

Download the SHORTCUT as PDF here  
Overview of previous SHORTCUTS



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Responsible for the shortcut:

Dr. Dominik Hierlemann, Anna Renkamp, Prof. Dr. Robert Vehrkamp


We appreciate your questions, suggestions and tips. Please send them to Nicole Henrichfreise:



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