Weitere Meldungen

(© Jürgen Siegmann)

Older workers: Reducing barriers to participation in the workforce

The implications of demographic change mean that more and more older people are working longer. Reforms in Germany such as the pension at 67 policy are facilitating this trend. How can the employability of older workers be maintained so as to ensure their inclusion in the workforce?

change3_2013_Spanier-0463_1240x600.jpg(© Valeska Achenbach)

EU labor mobility: Completing the common European labor market

Despite the free movement of workers within the EU, labor migration flows in the Union remain modest. Nonetheless, greater mobility gives rise to considerable opportunities. How can we make better use of the available opportunities in the European labor market?

(© komisar / iStockphoto.com)

Pension system: Future-proofing the pension system

Despite past reforms, the consequences of demographic change are placing further pressure on the pension-insurance system. How can the pension system’s future sustainability be ensured, and old-age poverty be prevented?