We are... OPEN

Bertelsmann Stiftung and ZiviZ collect information on open data in German civil society for the first time

The Bertelsmann Stiftung is looking for thought leaders from civil society to help develop a concept paper and implement the project Open Data and Civil Society. As part of a needs assessment, it is also giving away €1,000 to civil society organizations willing to share their views on open data (Open Data and Civil Society


Foto Petra Klug
Petra Klug
Senior Project Manager
Foto Mario Wiedemann
Mario Wiedemann
Senior Project Manager
Foto Nina Hauser
Nina Hauser
Project Manager

Bright minds from Germany’s public sector and civil society came together for the third time on June 22 with representatives and experts from the open data movement to discuss how civil society can also provide access to open data. During the Business Lunch Plus event, the Data for Society project received support from the Data Science Lab, represented by Leonard Mandtler, as it discussed the current status of the exploratory project and the in-house processes the foundation is using to improve its data infrastructure.

Carsten Große Starmann, vice president of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, initiated the foundation’s open data portal Wegweiser Kommune (Community Roadmap). He is working with his teams at the foundation to tap the full potential offered by data and make more of the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s data available to the public as open data. This video explains what open data actually are, the added value they can provide and the vision Große Starmann is driving forward at the Bertelsmann Stiftung:

Concept paper

In addition to a comprehensive review of the literature on current best practices in the area of open data, testimonials from civil society actors make it possible to evaluate the added value, risks and challenges stemming from the use and publication of open data. The results of the previous working meetings will be incorporated into the concept paper through a wide-ranging analysis of the status quo and current needs. The paper is scheduled to be released in autumn 2023 and will be divided into the following sections: 

  • Foreword and the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s position 
  • Definition of open data
  • Added value and benefits of open data in civil society 
  • Current status of open data in civil society
  • Obstacles and risks of open data in civil society  
  • Creation of an ecosystem of data providers and users
  • Technical infrastructure 
  • Deep dive: data provision (user journey)
  • Deep dive: data use (user journey), ontologies and standards 
  • Other aspects of support  
  • Checklist and process recommendations for launching “the world of open data”

All stakeholders can contribute to the concept paper. You are welcome to participate by providing a testimonial, writing a chapter or serving as a co-author of the paper.  

Data collection

Together with the organization ZiviZ – Civil Society in Numbers, the Bertelsmann Stiftung is also collecting information for the first time on the current status of open data in German civil society. You can assist in this effort by sharing the following texts within your network: 

Social Media (long version) 
Attention non-profits! The Bertelsmann Stiftung is collecting data for the first time on the topic of open data in German civil society. Participating organizations will have the chance to win €1,000. For more information, please visit umfrageupdate.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/159398

Newsletter/Other channels (long version) 
Attention non-profits! The Bertelsmann Stiftung is collecting data for the first time on the topic of open data in German civil society. We would like to know: Which opportunities and risks do you associate with open data? What prevents you from using or publishing open data? And how can the Bertelsmann Stiftung support civil society in this area? Participating organizations will have the chance to win €1,000. We’ll be publishing our findings in a strategy paper next autumn. Be sure to participate! For more information, please visit umfrageupdate.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/159398

Other ways to participate

In the attached files, you will also find an introductory presentation on the project, a short video interview with Carsten Große Starmann on open data and civil society, and a sample memorandum of understanding, which includes possibilities for participating and possible roles, whose contents and description you can freely edit in cooperation with us. We look forward to your contribution! 

The Data for Society team also invites civil society stakeholders to participate in the Open Data Network Meetings so they can network and exchange ideas with their peers. The next meeting will take place on August 17, 2023.

The project proposal will be submitted together with the identified partners based on the concept paper, following the latter’s publication in autumn 2023. 

Introductory Presentation on the Project