Reinhard Mohn Prize 2020 – “Fostering Innovation. Unlocking Potential.” Innovation for Transformation

Eine junge Frau malt mit einem Marker an einer großen Glühbirne, Symbolbild für neue Ideenfindung.
© denisismagilov -

: Our Results, by Country

Innovation can help us overcome the grand challenges we face as societies – if our institutional arrangements and framework conditions are attuned to achieving this goal. Our good practice research highlights strategies, policies and tools from around the world that stand out in this regard.

How can governments and organizations design an innovation policy that delivers both economic and technological competitiveness while advancing societal progress? Where do we find good examples of successful innovation strategies? Our research has identified promising answers to these questions in several locations around the world. Our results are sorted by country below. The examples featured are arranged by the themes addressed in each individual results paper: 

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