Vertrauen Wagen - eine Konferenz mit Pionieren der Deutsch-Chinesischen Beziehungen, 23.-24. September 2013 in Beijing an der Bei Da/ Beijing  University.
Programm Inhalt: 2 Vormittage Workshop der Pioniere, 2 Nachmittage Konferenz, 1 Abendgala
Jan Siefke

, Daring to Trust: Conference on German-Chinese relations

For two days, more than 100 participants from different academic fields discussed possibilities for promoting mutual understanding between China and Germany. Liz Mohn, vice-chair of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Executive Board, together with the foundation’s chairman and CEO, Aart De Geus, met with the Chinese Minister of Culture Cai Wu in Beijing.

"At a time of global upheavals and considerable uncertainty, it's necessary to have trust if you want to reach common goals," said Liz Mohn. As a basis for greater mutual trust, the conference participants called for more opportunities for Chinese and Germans to get to know each other, for example through student exchange programs, language courses and joint business ventures. Attendees included former German Justice Minister Herta Däubler-Gmelin and the new German ambassador to China, Michael Clauss, who was making his first public appearance since taking up his position.

The Bertelsmann Stiftung has been analyzing developments in Asia and their impact on Germany and Europe for some time. "Asia will play a key role in the 21st century,” said De Geus. “In order to take advantage of the opportunities that the current changes offer, policymakers and the public will have to come to terms with the fact that the world order is changing.

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