Ensuring quality of life in communities

Communities and regions undergoing demographic change compete with each other, not only for inhabitants and good job opportunities, but also for the factors that make them attractive locations to live and work. The impacts of demographic change are diverse.

The future of Germany’s communities and regions depends on how they respond to the challenges resulting from demographic change, since they are all competing for inhabitants. The country’s cities and towns must do the things that are necessary today to ensure a viable future tomorrow and make sure they are attractive places to live and work.

Demographic and socio-economic development in Germany’s communities is wide-ranging. The development is based on multiple factors which, taken together require specific responses and innovations. These factors are directly related to demographic trends and structures, but they also include social conditions, financial resources and geography – whether the community is located close to a major metropolitan area, for example, or in a more rural setting.

Each community is different, but they can all take action.”
Carsten Große Starmann

Decision makers in Germany’s cities and towns face a challenging situation. It is their responsibility to work within political and administrative frameworks to address these increasingly complex problems; they must examine interdependencies and success factors in detail, and then make the decisions that will determine the community’s future. And whatever they do, their actions must be transparent.

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