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Local Public Finance in Europe: Publications and Presentations

This research intends to create benefits for as the practice as the academic community. It wants to broaden the knowledge about local public finances to foster international discussions along policy makers but also wants to contribute to scientific discourses on issues like fiscal federalism or regulation. 

Referring to this, we come up with a variance of publications like policy briefs, conference papers, academic and practitioner journals and an edited volume. Please find the current ones mentioned below. Many more are in progress.

Geissler R./Hammerschmid G./Raffer C. (2021). Local Public Finance. An International Comparative Regulatory Perspective. Springer, Basel.

Geissler R./Wortmann M. (2021). Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise auf die kommunalen Ebenen Europas. Verwaltung & Management, No. 1/2021, p. 3 - 12.

Person C./Geissler R. (2020). Fass ohne Boden? Vier Jahrzehnte kommunale Schuldenhilfen in Deutschland. der moderne staat, No. 1/2020, p. 191-216.

Person C. (2020). Schuldenhilfen als Instrument zur Bekämpfung kommunaler Haushaltsprobleme – ein europaweiter Vergleich. Verwaltung und Management, No. 2/2020, p. 92-101.

Person C./Geissler R. (2020). State Supervision of Local Budgets. From Forbearance to No Concession. In: Bergström T./Franzke J./Kuhlmann S./ Wayenberg E. (eds.). The Future of Local Self-Government. European Trends in Autonomy, Innovations and Central-Local Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, p. 229-242.

Person, Christian (2020). Kommunale Insolvenzverfahren im internationalen Vergleich – ein Lösungsbeitrag für lokale Haushaltskrisen? Verwaltungsarchiv, No. 4/2020, p. 578-601.

Person, Christian (2020). Haushaltsregeln auf lokaler Ebene - ein europaweiter Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Kommunalfinanzen, No. 7/2020, p. 145-151

Geissler R./Hammerschmid G./Raffer C.(2019).Local Public Finance in Europe. Country Reports. Hertie School of Governance and Bertelsmann Stiftung. Berlin and Guetersloh.

Person, C./Geissler R. (2019). Four Decades of Municipal Bailouts in Germany. Research paper to be presented at the EGPA Conference, Belfast.

Geissler, R. (2019).Regulating Local Public Finance in European Countries. Presentation at the meeting of CEMR’s expert group on local public finance. June 18th 2019, Paris.

Geissler, R. (2019).Regulatory Regimes in European Countries. Presentation at the Academic Workshop „Measuring Local Governments’ Financial Sustainability Across Countries“on June 24th and 25th, University of Bologna.

Hammerschmid, G. et al (2019). Local Public Finance in Europe. Academic Workshop 10th to 11th of January 2019, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Raffer, C./Hammerschmid G./Wegrich, K./Geissler R. (2018). The Effect of Fiscal Rules on Local Government Finances: A European Comparative Analysis. Research paper to be presented at the EGPA Conference, Lausanne.

Person, C./Geissler R. (2018). Institutional change in financial supervision: from forbearance to no concession. Research paper to be presented at the EGPA Conference, Lausanne.

Geissler, R. (2018): Hardest Cuts in living Memory. System und Krise der kommunalen Finanzen in England. Analysen und Konzepte Nr. 1/2018, Bertelsmann Foundation, Gütersloh.